
Showing posts from December, 2021

The Chase Questions - The First 200 Days

 During 2021, I decided to write trivia question in the style of The Chase on ITV (in the UK, at least), formatting them as Twitter polls. Here are the first 200 questions (and their answers, at the bottom) from this endeavour. Once again thank you everyone who took part, RT'd, and shared these around. Feel free to use these for your own quizzes! (Though please credit me either to here, or my Twitter @Space_Kalak) And finally, I always feel bad for promoting this but it has been tough being umemployed over lockdown, and it would be highly appreciated (but by no means necessary) Questions : Q1: Which country has the most official national languages with 37? A. Burundi B. Belgium C. Bolivia Q2: Which of these is a 9-square-mile area of West Yorkshire famed for growing a certain crop? A. Rhubarb Triangle B. Broccoli Diamond C. Lettuce Circle Q3: Yankee Candle started with "Christmas 1969" which was made of melted what? A. Chocolate wrappers B.