
Showing posts from April, 2018

Pub Quiz Week 17 (23/4-29/4): Bonus I

Bonus round this week! Just name the things, simple as that. Next week, testing your etymology. 1. Name the one Wonder of the Ancient World that still stands today 2. Name the two ingredients in a dry martini 3. Name the three mountains that make up the British Three Peaks challenge 4. Name the four colours traditionally used in colour printing 5. Name the five books of Moses 6. Name the six actors who gave played James Bond in the main franchise of films 7. Name the seven countries which end in '-stan' 8. Name the eight original reindeer who pulled Santa's sleigh 9. Name the nine names held by the Kings of England/Great Britain since the Battle of Hastings. 10. Name the ten events in a decathlon As always, If you wish to play along, send your answers to me via Twitter (@Rustythewolf) or email me (! Good luck, and until next time! ~Rusty

Pub Quiz Week 16 (16/4-22/4): General Knowledge IV

10 general questions on or around April things this week. Next week is our first special bonus round though! The first time a month has had 5 Sundays this year, so keep an eye out for that. 1. April O'Neil is a friend of which crime fighting team? 2. Which Disney film is the song Little April Shower from? 3. What nationality was St. George, who's Day is on the 23rd of April? 4. Dr Samuel Johnson took nine years to write the first edition of which book, which first went on sale in April 1755? 5. Shakespeare was born (and died) in April, but did he write more comedies, tragedies or histories? 6. Tying with Ben-Hur for the most for a single film, how many Oscars did James Cameron's Titanic win? 7. In 1957, the BBC broadcast an April Fools' Day hoax showed Swiss families harvesting what from trees? 8. Avril Lavigne voiced a possum in which 2006 animated film? 9. Chernobyl and which other disaster are the only two Level 7 (highest possible level) events on the Inte

Pub Quiz Week 15 (9/4-15/4): Ditloids

This week, ditloids! These are fairly simple, just find the phrase or relationship within the letters. For example, 52 C in a P  is  52 Cards in a Pack. 1. 1 F O T C N 2. 88 C in the N S 3. 13 S on the A F 4. 1001 A N 5. F 14 is V D 6. 88 K on a P 7. 147 is the M S in S 8. 3 B M 9. 12 M on a J 10. A S in T S 9 As always, If you wish to play along, send your answers to me via Twitter (@Rustythewolf) or email me (! Good luck, and until next time! ~Rusty

Pub Quiz Week 14 (2/4-8/4): History

Into the second quarter of the year now, and we have 10 questions on various random things about history. 1. Who was king of England during the Gunpowder Plot? 2. ‎How many times did Cleopatra marry? 3. ‎Which epidemic struck the world after World War I, killing more people than the war did? 4. ‎Which 18th and 19th century leader was terrified of open doors? 5. ‎Which country won the three Cod Wars against the UK? 6. ‎On which holiday was William I of England crowned on? 7. ‎ How many Presidents of America served during the Cold War? 8. ‎Which butcher turned criminal rode with the Essex Gang, was eventually caught stealing chickens, and was hanged after a postman recognised his handwriting? 9. ‎The Panhellenic Games gave out garlands instead of medals. The four garlands for the four Games were made of olives, laurel, pine leaves, and what vegetable? 10. ‎Israel Hands was the second in command to whom? As always, If you wish to play along, send your answers to me via Twitte

Pub Quiz Week 13 (26/3-1/4): Easter Eggs

As it's Easter Sunday, all you have to do is add an egg (or few) to the ingredients below and tell me what you can create. 1. Bourbon, cream, milk, sugar, nutmeg 2. ‎English muffin, bacon, hollandaise 3. ‎Spaghetti, cheese, garlic, pancetta 4. ‎Oil, lemon juice, salt 5. ‎Sausage, breadcrumbs 6. ‎Butter, sugar, flour, vanilla extract 7. ‎Pastry, bacon, tomato, cheese, milk, cream 8. ‎Flour, milk, sausages 9. ‎Milk 10. ‎Flour, milk, sugar As always, If you wish to play along, send your answers to me via Twitter (@Rustythewolf) or email me (! Good luck, and until next time! ~Rusty